Thursday 30 August 2012


Publika , a place which is very art base influenced. It is also a place where most artist share their art pieces to the nation. And this is the reason why this place must be conquered and painted on when it is filled up with darkness. So one particular night LightArchitect suggested us to all gather a bunch of friends and just hangout to shoot a bunch of LuxArt images. Once again we had another tiring night because we had quite a huge group and we tried to shoot a variation of Lux style on each person in the group. So in the end , We came , we saw and we conquered! This below is the outcome of the night DSC_0005 DSC_0014 DSC_0045 DSC_0051 DSC_0071 DSC_0073

The Test

This is one of the very first time LuxArchitect test out his brand new LED toys and actually this pictures were pretty old.SharpShooter found them so SharpShooter thought why not just post it up. Anyway back to the story, that night SharpShooter and LightArchitect were somewhere around PJ new town. We had a pretty tiring night that day. We were like carrying a whole lots of light and camera accessories from area to another. And it was pretty scary too because most of the spots we head to was dark and it feels like anyone can come up to rob us anytime. But thankfully nothing bad happen to us that night. P1090266 P1090281 P1090285 P1090287 P1090256

Location Spotting

After a while of discussion with the Lux Art crew we reach a point where we wanted to find some good spots to shoot at. So after a roundtable discussion we finally headed out to PJ Trade Center. This place has some awesome spots to shoot at because it has this Urban concrete/nature look. Besides finding this spot, LuxArchitect has also invented his very 1st orb ball lights. So that night we created a couple of orbs around that area we were at. We were also drawing the crew's favorite light figurine's. Our crew member LightDesigner really put in lots of hard work into creating some of the artworks.Thankfully, at the end of this night we had the security guard of that area looking curious and confuse rather than kicking us out from the place.Lastly, this particular night was definitely one huge leap for all of us in the crew. DSC_0292 DSC_0296 DSC_0298 DSC_0303 DSC_0308 DSC_0333 DSC_0334 DSC_0344 DSC_0351 DSC_0352 DSC_0361

Bandar Utama Park

This is a pretty interesting night filled with lots of mosquitoes and a bottle of wine. Basically that night we were introducing Lux Art to bunch of close friends. It was another round where we made lots of noise in the housing area and once again the neighborhood securities force us to leave the neighborhood because it was too late at night. DSC_0240 DSC_0267 DSC_0265 DSC_0277 DSC_0246 DSC_0274

Fireworks For the First Time

Greetings everyone who is looking at this. This will be our very first post. We've been planning to create a blog for a while but we were all busy with our daily routines till we never really had a chance to jump into this whole blogging world. But after a whole lot of procrastinating we have finally did it! So stay tune guys because now we are ready to rock your socks with a whole bunch of Lux materials!

Anyway, this pictures you see below is one of the very first time we were out playing with some fireworks. We had some great people to shoot with to get some awesome portrait shots. Basically everyone had their own share of fun. We hope we didn't end up waking up any of the people in the neighborhood that night or burn a house or 2/anything down. But i guess all great night has to come to an end because half way through the neighborhood security force us to leave the area.








